

Each day as I pour out my heart when I write for Helper Wife, I am so grateful to be married to my amazing husband. Crazy busy as he is, he helps me edit for Biblical accuracy, whether something can stand on its own. Is not overtly offensive and so on. Hopefully someday he will join me and talk to the husbands.

I am just an ordinary South African wife who has been so blessed by a Biblical marriage through my own walk and I want to encourage others do have the same. I really believe God has placed that desire in me to step out and help someone. I don’t have all the answers, but God does or someone in your world may, so please don’t stop at this page, go and study God’s Word and learn more. Once you have a great marriage, go and help others.

The more marriages we heal, the more families we heal, the more communities we heal.

Go on and do your part. There is much work to be done .